Investing is for all types of people, from many backgrounds and schools of thought. You may find similarities among other investors, or learn something new!
Herewith tips and insight, is Stan Nurnberger, Investor
Q: Who was your first business mentor?
A: Myself and books.
Q: Who was your first mentor in real estate?
A: Myself and books.
Q: What is your favorite book?
A: It is hard to say I read so many. “Spenser” books by Robert Parker, and the works on Christianity by Bart Ehrman
Q: What is the best lesson you have learned in real estate?
A: It is hard to find a property management team that does more than find tenants and collect rent. Very, very few tenants will take good care of your property. Don’t stop looking. There’s a reason why companies like Auben are growing.
Q: How many properties do you own?
A: Up to 10.
Q: When did you start investing?
A: As soon as I graduated and got a full-time job.
Q: Why do you Invest?
A: It’s what I was taught: Invest and save for the security of the future. “If I’d known retirement was so wonderful, I would have saved more and retired sooner.”
Q: What is the best advice you have received?
A: Know who you are and how you come across to other people. Even if your motives are good and honorable, that might not be the way you are perceived.
Q: Do you have any hobbies?
A: SCUBA diving; handyman work; digitizing, investigating, dating and editing very old family photos.
Q: What is the best advice you could give someone else?
A: Being in business for yourself is very rewarding, but it is also important to look at your ability for future retirement security, medical insurance, etc.–that, in the past, came from corporate employers.
Q: Is there a place for you where time slows down?
A: When I take time to learn new things.
Q: If you were a member of a music group, you would be _________?
A: If I had any musical ability, I would enjoy being a drummer in a marching band.
Q: Who first introduced you to Auben?
A: I met Tyson Schuetze in 2009, probably before Auben first started.
Q: If you weren’t investing in real estate you would be_______.
A: More involved in the stock market.
Q: If you were to start over_______.
A: It would be easier to decide to go into business for myself since corporations are not as paternal or generous as they were in the past.
Start your investment journey. Invest with Auben.