Managing risk and paying close attention to detail is all in a day’s work for Tristan. His full-time job as an actuary keeps him busy, but he sets aside time to invest. Tristan is drawn to real estate for the level of control it gives him in his investments. His advice to a new investor? “Find a good partner to invest with, someone with similar goals and complementary personality traits and skills to your own.”
Here at Auben we are proud to serve all types of people, from many backgrounds and schools of thought. From brand new investors purchasing their first property to seasoned ownership groups who are ready to expand their investment portfolio rapidly, we have strategies that are founded in experience and backed by our commitment to your success as an investor!
We also believe in sharing wisdom among investors. Keeping reading and you might just learn something new!
Here with tips and insight, is Tristan Campbell, Real Estate Investor
Q: Who was your first business mentor?
A: My father, Brent Campbell
Q: Who was your first real estate mentor?
A: David Beard
Q: When did you start investing?
A: 2012
Q: Why do you invest?
A: I prefer the control available to you in real estate investing compared to other types of investing.
Q: What is the best advice you have received?
A: “It’s all about people, no matter what you do.” A friend’s dad said this to me years ago and it’s always stuck with me.
Q: What is the best advice you could give a new investor?
A: Find a good partner to invest with, someone with similar goals and complementary personality traits and skills to your own.
Q: What is the most valuable lesson you have learned in real estate?
A: The importance of stress-testing the details of any deal you’re looking to get involved in.
Q: Is there a place for you where time slows down?
A: I’ve had a morning meditation/breathing exercise practice for several years now and find that to be extremely helpful to ‘slow down’ when I’m stressed or have difficult decisions to make.
Q: What is a must-read book you would recommend?
A: “How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big”, by Scott Adams. This book emphasizes two points: the importance of systems over goals, and the value of ‘Talent Stacking’. Both of these ideas are valuable prisms through which to approach business and real estate investing.
Q: Do you have any hobbies?
A: Reading, exercising, fantasy football, golf, and spending time with my golden doodle, Maggie.
Q: If I were a member of a music group, it would be with_________.
A: The Strokes are my all-time favorite band, although I think I’d rather be a fan than a member…
Q: Do you have a favorite podcast?
A: “The Knowledge Project”, by Shane Parrish. Lots of great episodes but #18, with Naval Ravikant, is an incredible listen and highlights the value of reading to your overall success, no matter what business you’re in.
Q: If you weren’t investing in real estate you would be_______.
A: Real estate investing is a side business for me so nothing significant would change.
Q: If you were to start over_______.
A: I wouldn’t change anything. I’ve made mistakes along the way but I’ve learned from those and they’ve shaped who I am today.
Q: When / how were you introduced to Auben?
A: I was introduced to Tyson through my business partner several years ago, and now my business partner works for Auben.
Q: I am happy I chose Auben because _______.
A: Of the experience and knowledge of the people involved with Auben.