Investing is for all types of people, from many backgrounds and schools of thought. You may find similarities among other investors, or learn something new!
Herewith tips and insight, is Jason Wiles, Investor
Q: Who was your first business mentor?
A: Rich Hinson
Q: Who was your first mentor in real estate?
A: Don Morant and Justin Anderson
Q: What is your favorite book?
A: Think and Grow Rich and Richest Man in Babylon
Q: What is the best lesson you have learned in real estate?
A: Do it right the first time, so you don’t have to do it again.
Q: How many properties do you own?
A: Not enough.
Q: When did you start investing?
A: Late 2012 – early 2013
Q: Why do you Invest?
A: For a better financial future for me and my family, and it is fun..
Q: What is the best advice you have received?
A: One house at a time!
Q: Do you have a favorite podcast?
A: I don’t listen to podcasts. Can’t focus on them.
Q: Any hobbies?
A: Not really, have any suggestions?
Q: What is the best advice you could give someone else?
A: Don’t be afraid to walk away, and know what you want from each deal.
Q: Is there a place for you where time slows down?
A: Oklahoma. It is where my family is and where I grew up. I can only stand to be there for about a week though.
Q: If you were a member of a music group, it would be _________?
A: with Garth Brooks.
Q: I was introduced to Auben ______.
A: in early 2013. They managed my properties, and I still have all the tenants.
Q: If you weren’t investing in real estate you would be_______.
A: still in the Army.
Q: If you were to start over_______.
A: I wouldn’t be afraid to ask for money earlier.